Narrowing down the ideas

I want to argue that women effect the outcome of political elections. I want to discuss the roles that women play in politics, especially in the recent years. The number of women in office is increasing. Do people vote for a particular candidate because she is female? Only two of my sources pertain to women in politics, therefore I need to find new sources that speak about women. My other three sources speak of race and politics. This is a very big topic and I don’t think that I will be able to focus race and gender in one article. The two source that I have discuss what is referred to as the gender gap. The gender gap is the ratio of men to women that vote. Women vote typically in lower numbers than men. The article discuss why this might be. Also I want to discuss is education of the women affects her likeness to vote. If the socio-economic status of the family effects if the women votes or not. Many factors many effect if a women is able to vote. I need to do more research about the topic in order to gain a better understanding of it and to develop my argument further.